I was clicking around and caught part of this week's episode, featuring Wildcat and a teenaged version of the Outsiders (Metamorpho, Katanna and Black Lightning).

It's obviously a show for young kids and, to that extent, it was okay. Batman's voice wasn't overly obvious as Oswald. In fact, R. Lee Ermey as Wildcat was more distracting because, frankly, he sounded exactly like he did in "Full Metal Jacket" and you half expected him to tell Black Lightning he would unscrew his head and shit down his neck.

The animation was servicable, about the level of "Ben 10", meaning it wasn't to the level of Timm's stuff but it was a better than Teen Titans or the Legion series.

Overall, I think it did a good job of being the kind of "Batman" cartoon that would appeal to a kid. However, I can't see anyone (Snarf?) over the age of eleven actually seeking the show out or watching it more than once.