> I'm not black but I love teaching diversity to my
> kids. One thing that I will do is read Superman
> comics in a black voice to them, that way they get a
> wide cultural experience with the comic.

WTF? Sorry if this seems contentious, but that is as stupid a thing as I've ever read.

Do you also do a Chinese and Pakistani version for them? What about greek? Not too many Greeks in comics last time I looked. And an Irish Superman would be good. 'Top o' the morning to ye, Lois. Fer sure...'

BTW is your impersonation of a black person any good? Who do you sound like? Eddie Murphy? Mr T ('Luthor? you don't wanna be messin wit me, foo...'), How about chris Rock?

Seriously, there are so many better things you could do to show your kids to promote positive images of other cultures than doing Superman sounding like Uncle Remus.

What's wrong with an Irish Superman? Racist cunt.