In fact, that Bearscout guy sounded a little too much like Beardguy so I checked out his Myspace to make sure. He's not Beardguy but, well, um

Something absolutely horrible happened
Current mood: numb
Category: Pets and Animals

If you do not want to hear something heartbreaking, please, read no farther.

If you know me and my partner Andy, you know that we had a zoo down in FL. We had eight chuihuia's, a cat larger than all of the doggies. a cocketiel, a chinchilla, and a vietnamese pot bellied pig. We we moved from FL to PA last year, we had to leave most of them at Andy's ex's Mike Wingate, (Remember that name.) He had taken care of them for years, and we trusted him 100% to take care of them for a year until we got settled and found a place big enough for our 'kids'. We had been sending him 75$ a month to pay for pet food and supplies. Over the past year, he has been telling us that they were all okay.

He lied.

We found out last night, that the littlest dog Tyke ran away EIGHT MONTHS ago! He never posted any lost flyers, didn't check the S.P.C.A. anything! I hope and pray that my "lil tyke" was found by a loving person and has a better home now.

Over the past year, the mom and dad of them all, Elmo and Xoey both died from neglect. They were Andy's babies. He got them both as puppies. He delivered every single one of Xoey's puppies. All he can think about right now is what they were thinking as they died. He is torturing himself thinking that they thought he abandoned them. (I am sorry, tears are streaming down my face as I right this.) Okay...and one of the other kids Brownie died as well. Then we find out that both the Bird, and Nikita the Chinchilla had died as well.

I had taken care of all of these critters for over two years, and it killed me to leave them. We did bring one with us, Squirty. Now, the bird was older, and Nikita is a "rodent" so they do not live long lives, but everyone of our kids were happy and healthy last June when we left, and Mike Wingate as far as I am concerened murdered them. We are heading down to FL soon to rescue the rest of the puppies and the cat.

Please pray for us. You all know how hard it is to lose a pet. Imagine losing 6 in one day. Both Andy and I are are heartbroken and enraged. Honestly the reason why we are not down in FL right now, is that we would put him in the hospital. We need time to grieve, and time to let our rage diminish.

Bird, Nikita, Elmo, Xoey, Tyke, Brownie, I am so sorry I left you. I have missed you so much over the past year. I am so sorry you will never recieve the Christmas and Birthday Presents we sent you. I just pray to God that you are all in a better place.

I love each and every one of you.


I don't feel guilty about laughing. It's his fault for making it so amusing.