Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
If she dressed better, she wouldnt look so bad.

I completely agree with you on that. as I've said many times before, there are some pretty attractive bigger women out there. (even though in these photos, jessica is really pretty close to average for an American woman of her age.) what sets them apart from a number of other women who happen to weigh more than average (in addition to not having a horseface anyway) is that they know how to wear clothes that flatter them to the best possible advantage. too many women - at any size - just don't know how to dress, and if they could just figure out what they do and don't look good in, it'd solve most of their problems. cultures that are more embracing of bigger-than-average female bodies, especially latinos, are generally way ahead when it comes to that, whereas tons and tons (pun possibly intended) of bigger caucasian women just have no clue. of course, it's always important to remember that a horseface is a horseface regardless of what she looks like from the neck down.


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