Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Obama's approval rockets upwards

Obama approval ratings rise 17 percent after speechRAW STORY
Published: Wednesday February 25, 2009

A flash CBS News poll conducted Tuesday evening found broad increases of support in almost all areas surrounding President Barack Obama's approval of the economy.

In fact, Obama's approval rating for handling the economic crisis leapt 17 percent after the speech among those who watched it, from 63 to 80 percent.

51 percent of viewers felt that Obama's economic plans would help them personally, with 36 percent before the speech -- and increase of 15 percent.

"Seventy-five percent of speech watchers now say they were able to get a good understanding of President Obama’s economic plans, compared to 58 percent before the speech," CBS wrote. "Seventy-four percent of speech watchers think President Obama’s plans will make the economy better. Eleven percent think they will make them worse, while 15 percent think they will make no difference."

Among those who watched the speech, 80 percent said they were optimistic about the next four years as opposed to 71 percent beforehand. Both figures were a far cry from the ratings of erstwhile President George W. Bush.

"Seventy-six percent of speech watchers think Barack Obama’s economic plans will help the housing crisis," CBS said. "Twenty-four percent think they will not."


New thread time!