How to Photograph Sports in Low Light
Connect an external flash to your camera if it has the capability. If your camera cannot be used with an external flash, set it up to use the built-in flash. The more powerful flash you use, the farther you can be from your subject and still light it.
If using an external flash, turn up the shutter speed on your camera as high as it will go. On many cameras, this can be done by setting the mode dial to shutter priority ("S" on Nikon cameras) and spinning the shutter speed wheel to the right. Different cameras can sync the flash with different shutter speeds; 500 is the highest I've seen. You may need to adjust shutter speed, depending on the speed of the moving subject and the power of your flash. Don't be afraid to experiment. If your camera doesn't have an adjustable shutter speed, set the camera to sports mode.
Get in as close as possible to the subject and aim your camera as the action happens. In basketball, some of the best photographs are taken from beneath the net or nearby from the sidelines.Taking pictures from above, such as on a balcony,will have more favorable light. For wrestling, sitting on the far corner of the mat can produce some good action photos. Just get as close as youcan without getting in the way of the player or officials and crouch down if you are positioned in front of spectators.