You: Hi
Stranger: hi!
You: I think this place is full of dudes
Stranger: oh are you a girl?
Stranger: i mean, i'm a girl but i want to know if you're a girl.
You: I'm a guy
You: Are you hot?
Stranger: oh.
Stranger: in that case i'm a guy.
You: Wanna make out?
Stranger: i'm about 400 lbs and i haven't seen my vagina in about three years
Stranger: still wanna make out?
You: I haven't seen a vagina since I got half a blow job
You: What's your aim name?
Stranger: i don't have aim
You: yahoo?
You: msn?
Stranger: i don't have that either
Stranger: you sound really desperate
You: I once won 25 dollars in a writing contest
Stranger: is your name tomecatti?
You: Do you like soul caliber?
You: No, my name is matt
Stranger: no i do not like soul caliber--wait how old are you
You: Wanna have cyber sex?
You: 30
Stranger: ROFL
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: NO.
Stranger: ROFL
Stranger: OKAY, BYE
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.