Long one, so...

Warning, Spoiler:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hello
Stranger: how are you
You: there an echo god here?
You: I'm Uschi how are you?
Stranger: i am terrible!
You: Hello, Ivan
Stranger: thanks for asking tho
You: why so sad
Stranger: not sad
Stranger: RAGING
You: why so ANGRY?
Stranger: my fonts
You: did someone sink your battleship?
Stranger: they are upset
You: fonts?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: my fonts
You: loik typing font/
Stranger: this font
You: you don't like it?
Stranger: it makes me angry
Stranger: NO
Stranger: i hate it
You: seems sad to me
Stranger: i know
You: you prefer comic sans?
Stranger: yes
You: LOL!
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: dude
You: ette
Stranger: its a troll fest
You: yus!
Stranger: ette
Stranger: there aint no girls on the internet
You: ettequitte!
You: ha!
Stranger: NO GIRLS
You: I'm a girl!
Stranger: im a little girl
You: and I just talked with a gitl
You: girl
Stranger: lol
You: she stole my cookie recipe and ran off
Stranger: i dint think no girls went to b
You: I would slap her
You: b?
You: oh, you from 4chan?
Stranger: /
Stranger: of course
You: ok
Stranger: thats about all thats on here rifht now
You: I got here otherwise
You: that ain't true
You: the NATUREBOYZ are here too
Stranger: it seems like it
You: yes
Stranger: what are natureboyz
You: trolls
Stranger: what site
You: from a different neighborhood
You: http://www.rkmbs.com
You: I'm a naturegirl
You: if they'll have me
You: I like trolls
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i been trolling for a long time
You: if you a very little girl
You: do not go there
Stranger: i want
You: mummy wouldn't like
Stranger: how bout something awful
You: trolling here
Stranger: or ebaums
You: SA?
You: beh
Stranger: yes
Stranger: they suck
You: bah bah bah
You: and meh
You: I like efuked.com
You: is funneh
Stranger: i used to run a msg board
Stranger: but i shut it down
You: omg which?
Stranger: nothing you would have heard of
You: insurgency?
Stranger: no it was really gay
You: ...that's what I said!
You: LOL
You: we shut down them
Stranger: you ever heard of yahoo msg boards
You: nope!
Stranger: they used to have a news board
You: so, uh.... do you, uh... yahoo?
Stranger: i made a site for them
Stranger: no
Stranger: i hate yahoo
You: me too
Stranger: i dont like google
You: was a commercial joke
Stranger: yes
You: NO?
Stranger: NO
You: google had um...
You: Eric Karl
You: for the letters the other day
You: I liked the
You: at that
Stranger: who was he
Stranger: or is he
Stranger: i cant google him
You: Brown Bear Brown Bear, What DDo You See?
You: and
You: The Very Hungary Caterpillar
You: kid books
Stranger: ahh
You: he watercolored paper
You: then tore it up into shapes
You: to illustrate
Stranger: hes an artist
You: yus
Stranger: by god
You: and country!
Stranger: indeeed
Stranger: i am a programmer
You: I am a mad scientist
Stranger: i program shite
You: I mix shit together
Stranger: for a big company
You: and feed it to ppl
Stranger: what kind of shit
You: and tell them it will heal them
You: medications
Stranger: drugs
You: I'm at a pharmacy
Stranger: are good
You: they can be, yes
Stranger: i like drugs
You: I have a friend with ...um
You: schizophrenia
Stranger: he is never lonely
You: and pot helps her parinoia
Stranger: she
You: yus
You: well, she's married
You: so she has that and a dog too
Stranger: good
You: plus the shadow people
Stranger: thats good
You: yeah, but THC helps her
Stranger: that pot
You: calm down
You: yes
Stranger: it should be legal
You: I think it ought to be legal
You: yes
You: is better than a lot of stuff
Stranger: i dont smoke it
You: neither do I
You: never tried it
Stranger: but i dont care who does
You: I care
Stranger: in fact i am a libertarian
You: my friend is helped by it
Stranger: ahhh
You: I know a librarian
Stranger: yes
You: and a vegitarian veterinarian
You: is funneh
Stranger: thats funny
Stranger: i giggled
You: yes
You: I have dealt with a lot of dead animals working with her
You: I also worked for a while at an emergency vet hospital
Stranger: i dont like dead animals
You: it drove me to smoke
You: neither do I!
You: they poo on me
Stranger: smoking is bad for you
You: and I had to deal with maggots
You: I know
You: it hurts my lungs
Stranger: maggots
You: maggots are hard
Stranger: i dont like maggots
You: like uncooked rice
Stranger: yes
You: neither do I!
Stranger: so you are a phramicist
You: I started smoking the day a dog's ass had maggots pouring out
You: no, I am a tech
Stranger: that kills animals
Stranger: a tech
You: no I was an assistant
Stranger: an assistant
You: assistant at pet hospital
You: technician at pharm
Stranger: i would not like to do that
You: I have a certificate
You: neither did I
Stranger: i dont like suffering
You: so I quit
Stranger: a certificate is fine
You: well, they only euthanize that which cannot be saved
You: certified pharmacy technician
Stranger: do u like yer job
You: but I do not count pills, no no
Stranger: i like mine
You: but you a programmer
Stranger: job is good
You: I make medicine from the base chemicals
Stranger: i make code from scratch
You: mix and mash
Stranger: lol
Stranger: wtf
You: wot?
Stranger: we made a ryhme
You: HA!
Stranger: almost
You: if we slur
Stranger: i like writing code
Stranger: i use c#
You: I won't let anyone onto the secret
Stranger: good
Stranger: sql server
Stranger: its hot
You: I don't understand that
Stranger: np
You: I will not lie
You: C++, right?
Stranger: c# is a programming language
Stranger: i used to use C+
Stranger: but i moved to c#
You: my bro-in-law did that
Stranger: its fun
You: I am jealous
You: it is a skill I do not posess
Stranger: dont be jealous
Stranger: i cant mix pills
You: i can't go to any more school
Stranger: we all have different skills
Stranger: why not
You: yes, but it is easy
Stranger: it aint never too late
You: I have no more money
Stranger: you can rob a bank
You: I have 32k in school loan debt
Stranger: goodness
You: yeah
You: is typical
Stranger: good lord i hoped you learned a lot
You: should have gone to an apprenticeshi[
You: I did!
You: but I kept changing my majors
Stranger: i have been out of college for awhile
You: so I left @ 6 yrs
You: no degree
Stranger: wow
You: yeh
You: retard
You: BUT!
Stranger: how many hours to get one
Stranger: you should have lots of hours
You: I stopped going when they stopped teaching me what I wanted to know
You: yeah, but mostly I need bullshit
You: that I can't be arsed to pay foer
You: besides
You: degrees don't mean anything where I work
Stranger: you may can comp some of that stuff
You: meh
Stranger: orly
You: I'm happy
You: yeah
Stranger: as a clam
You: I love my job
You: as a vagina!
Stranger: my vagina is happy
You: I get to play mad scientist!
You: mine too!
Stranger: its warm and fuzzy
You: mine is cold and naked
Stranger: lol
You: heh
Stranger: this here internet
You: I got another tattoo yesterday
You: yes...
You: ?
Stranger: its awesome
You: yeah
You: I love the internet
Stranger: whar is yer tattooo
Stranger: i must know
You: a band, Skankin' Pickle
You: I got the pickle
Stranger: thats nice
You: yes
You: I am very pleased
You: Mez did a phenomenal job
Stranger: how many tatttoooos have you got
You: she is going to clean up some of my older shit
You: three
You: two are retarded n00bs
You: that Mez will fix
Stranger: i like retarded stuff
You: she is a goddess
You: yeah, but they poorly executed
Stranger: i dont want a tatattoo
You: no?
Stranger: naw
You: why not?
Stranger: thats a good question
Stranger: i have never thought about it
You: good enough reason to not want one
Stranger: so you are the stranger
You: is never thinking about it
Stranger: thats what yer name is
You: the red-headed stranger!
Stranger: yes
You: I am Uschi
Stranger: thats your name
You: pretty paper
You: pretty ribbons
You: of blooooo
Stranger: mah name is screff
You: willie nelson
Stranger: yep
You: Screff?
Stranger: yes
You: did your mum hate you?
Stranger: no
Stranger: its really jeff
You: you choose it?
Stranger: but mah frenz call me screff
You: Jeff is a weird name for a girl
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i am not really a girl
You: I could tell
Stranger: you are a girl
You: they way you refer to your vagina
You: yes I am
Stranger: or else a god troll
You: is all wrong
Stranger: wtf
Stranger: a good troll
Stranger: YES
You: ha ha ha ha!
Stranger: so you are a girl
You: yes
Stranger: and i am not
You: lemme check...
You: ...
You: ...
You: yes
Stranger: whats the deal
You: I am a girl
You: see?
Stranger: whats it like to be a girl
You: girls is on the interwebs
You: um
Stranger: i have always wanted to know
You: is...
You: my boobs get in the way
Stranger: mine too
Stranger: i have moobs
You: like, I drop stuff
You: and it gets caught on my boobs
Stranger: i dont drop stuff
You: you lie!
Stranger: where are you dropping it from
You: my mouth
Stranger: awesome
You: food crumbs and shit
You: I dunno
Stranger: ok
You: I'm not a good person to ask
You: about being a girl
Stranger: why not
You: I'm gender-queer
You: kinda dykeish
Stranger: ok
You: *shrug*
You: and asexual
You: so... I dunno how "girls" think
You: but I can pretend!
Stranger: you know what
You: lols!
You: whot?
Stranger: its all good
You: I know!
You: oh!
Stranger: i know that sounds cliche
You: I know that periods SUCK!
Stranger: but thats how i live my life
You: yeah, me too
You: fekit
Stranger: i wouldnt know that
You: periods are the devil
You: if you aren't careful
You: you have to do a lot of laundry
Stranger: i bet
You: and feel like a twat
You: but!
Stranger: but
You: women are "more attractive" during that time
You: like
Stranger: orly
You: science says
You: I saw it on discovery
Stranger: thats weird
You: yeah
You: i know!
You: like, their voice gets higher
You: and skin looks better...
You: I don't roll with that
Stranger: i feel pregnant
You: the hormones make me break out
Stranger: i look pregnant
You: you gonna have ice-cream's baby?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i like to eat
You: nice poop to come!
Stranger: and sleep
You: me too!
Stranger: yes
You: we should start a club!
Stranger: yes
You: EPS
You: Eat Poo Sleep
Stranger: i like that
You: word
You: I made cookies
Stranger: i like cookies
You: and some bitch on here stole my recipe
You: and ran away
Stranger: she must die
You: yeah
You: I think I scared her
You: I said I sent a friend 3 doz.
You: she sez, "she must really like you now!"
Stranger: you can send me a doz
You: and I sez "I hope so 'cause I want her to be dyke for me!"
You: no I can't
Stranger: lol
You: I sent them all to her
Stranger: thats ok
You: I do has a crush
You: she is lovely
Stranger: so you like girls
Stranger: thats cool
You: no
You: and yes
You: panromantic
Stranger: hmmm
You: male, female, anything in-between
Stranger: that really doubles your chances
You: I particularly like cross-dressers
You: and transgenders
Stranger: u will really like me
You: they go through a lot, the trans
Stranger: i love to cross dress
You: why, is this Pariah?
You: OMG!
You: YOU DO?!
You: please be not lieing!
Stranger: well
Stranger: i have crossed dressed before
You: nothing it more attractive
Stranger: but its been awhile
You: than a man in a sundress
Stranger: yes
You: I like Casual Cross
Stranger: something frilly
Stranger: and lacy
You: not the Queen/King aesthetic so much
Stranger: naw
You: too flashy
Stranger: just something light and simple
You: yes
Stranger: LOL
You: you ever read Hitchiker's Guide?
Stranger: i am gigglinee
Stranger: yes
Stranger: all of em
You: and you read um...
You: ok
You: the chapter
Stranger: douglass adams rocke
You: in Mostly Harmless
Stranger: too bad he passed away
You: when Arthur bangs Fenchurch
You: YES
Stranger: he was a great writer
Stranger: mostly harmless
You: I wanted Arthur in the sundress
Stranger: yes
Stranger: arthur dent
You: yes
You: I wanted him in the dress
Stranger: did you like the movie
Stranger: it wasnt bad
You: yeah
You: I thought Ford was great
Stranger: it was cute
Stranger: yes
Stranger: mos def
You: see, is a pun
Stranger: lol
You: that hanged in thuh air
You: much in the way a brick will not
Stranger: i liked that dude that play brannigan
You: creepy ass fucker!
Stranger: he was over the top
Stranger: and marvin was good
You: totally
You: YEAH!
You: whassisname!
You: Alan Rickman
Stranger: yes
You: LOVE him
Stranger: did you ever pplay the game
You: no \:\(
Stranger: the dos based game
Stranger: it rocked
You: I heard about it
You: never played
Stranger: it was so funny
You: that's what I hear!
You: \:\(
You: ooh
You: Arrested Development!
You: MR F!
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: i like the number 42
You: me top
Stranger: thats my age
You: heh
Stranger: and my pants size
You: I'm 25
Stranger: lol
You: LOL!!!
Stranger: i know
You: that is NOT my pants size
Stranger: i am gigglin
Stranger: i giggle like a girl
You: you make a good girl
You: jeff
You: scheeef
Stranger: i think so
Stranger: SCREFF
You: or whatever you said
Stranger: yes
Stranger: thats mah name
You: i did not wanna scroll up
Stranger: that leads to madness
You: I have a leather-bound H2G
Stranger: wow
You: with a misspelled cover
You: "Young ZAPHOID Plays it Safe"
Stranger: i just have the pb books
Stranger: lol
You: I had those
You: they fell apart
Stranger: TYPHOID
You: I was at the store, all
Stranger: lol
You: and they all, LOL NO IT NOT!
You: and I was right
You: it was right after he died
You: I got it for $25
Stranger: it might be worth someting
You: it was sad
You: nah
Stranger: yes
Stranger: he was a good guy
You: the $ supposed to go UP when they die
You: he was a genius
Stranger: he was an atheist
You: I has Salmon of Doubt
Stranger: me 2
You: haven't finished
Stranger: its strange
You: yeah
You: very...
You: ecclectic
You: Dirk Gently though!
Stranger: he makes some good points
Stranger: i gots mah dirk
You: Dirk is god
Stranger: that dude
You: he is one hoopy frood
Stranger: LOL
You: :D
Stranger: i could not remember that
Stranger: i havent read em in a while
You: you sass that Ford Prefect?
Stranger: lol
You: sass- to know
You: or have sex with
Stranger: ford
You: the prefect
Stranger: arthur
Stranger: trillian
You: Zaphod
You: Tricia!
Stranger: i like zaphod
You: Marvin
You: Zaphod was awesome
You: but i loved ...
You: shit!
You: his daughter
Stranger: marvin waited 3 million years
You: Random something
Stranger: yes
You: Random Dent
Stranger: that was her name
You: she broke his watch
You: and Fenchurch
Stranger: i also like the dude that goes around insulting everyone
You: I loved her
You: oh!
You: um... yes the alien!
Stranger: he is immortal
You: ha ha ha!
Stranger: so thats his job
You: You have a bone in your beard
Stranger: that adams
You: I know
You: I'm training it to like being wehere its put
Stranger: lol
You: Eddies
Stranger: Hi!
You: where?
Stranger: lOL
Stranger: i gots to go mah fren
You: Eddies in the space-time continum!
Stranger: take care
Stranger: lol
You: what he doing there?
You: ok
You: you can find me at
You: rkmbs.com
You: Uschi
Stranger: 104
You: tah-tah!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"