Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello stranger, I'm a horny gay men seeking for a buddy , wanna continue to chat with me?
You: I'm Batman.
Stranger: I'm Robin
You: hold on...
Stranger: sure
You: Batman is taking a shit.
Stranger: on me ?
You: Robin, old chum... can you get me a spoon?
Stranger: I love scato
You: or a pencil?
You: I'm trying to work something out.
Stranger: anything in my butt sir
You: oh, did Al arrive?
Stranger: Al who?
You: Alfred
You: goar, the help!
You: What are you stupid?
You: You retarded or something?!
Stranger: fucking yeah
You: Joker is on the loose again, chum!
Stranger: have a bat suit ?
You: Robin, are you on the marijuana?
You: Batman is always prepared.
You: Now!
You: We must stop the Joker before he commits another heinous crime!
You: Like when he kidnapped the commissioner!
Stranger: I just want to suck a cock, BatDick
You: and paralyzed his daughter by raping her!
You: Cock... bird... PENGUIN!
You: You"RE RIGHT!!!
You: HE must be in on this scheme too!
You: Good job, old Chum!
Stranger: he is dead
You: Oswald?
You: or Joker?
You: Joker killed the second Robin, old Chum
You: he is not a joke
You: you must realize the severity of his madness
You: respect it, if not the man himself.
Stranger: omfg the joker is dead!
You: We should stop by Gotham central first.
You: You might think so, Chum.
You: But the Joker has "died" many times
You: only to resurface later.
You: He is more resiliant than you might expect from such a frail man.
Stranger: i suck cocks bu you are insane, bye
You: Do not leave me, Friend!
You: I need you at my back!
You: Behind me.
You: Something to lean on
You: take comfort from...
Stranger: i'm not friend, i'm stranger
You: please Robin!
Stranger: you shoot them ?
You: I know I've been a poor father to you, old chum!
You: but to say we are strangers?
You: You made the Bat-Man cry a little.
You: Inside.
Stranger: I sucked my father cock
You: Please, Robin!
You: I thought we decided Penguin was not involved!
You: Joker is far too mad to deal with anyone on a real basis!
You: And nobody is mad enough to deal with his vitrol!
You: We must go to Gotham central.
You: Perhaps Gordon has some news for us!
You: have Alfred check the tire pressure.
Stranger: goodbye, unless you have some credit
You: I'm Batman.
You: ...perhaps you are right, Robin.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"