You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: ahoy, cap'n!
You: got th scurvy, eh?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: you?
You: tell ya wot
You: ayve got me a noice peach on the nex port
Stranger: coo
Stranger: l
Stranger: where is that?
You: awl shair wif you fo 'eventeen frank, aye?
Stranger: sure
Stranger: sounds fair
You: attl take car o th scurv!
Stranger: alright
You: Avast, Cap'n!
Stranger: are you on acid?
You: issit thar mehr Poirate awf stahbard?
Stranger: yes
You: wot sexz you?
You: ahdar me maytes, Cap'n!
Stranger: male
Stranger: you?
Stranger: oh
Stranger: uhh
Stranger: yes
You: oi needs som derekshion!
You: wot to tewl me maites!
You: eff thar be poirate off stahbard!
Stranger: okay
Stranger: you too
Stranger: yeah
You: COR, me Cap'n been gon blarmy!
You: yeh DO haf th scurvy, aintcha?!
You: ay dooble-toime mates!
Stranger: yes
You: geet this her mahn a shot o th' groipe!
You: thoi bin shot us, sur!
You: wez oonder attakk!
You: th blinkin PIRATES, mate!
Stranger: okay
You: gib me som ordahrs!
You: sez we kin foit!
You: Dude, you fucking SUCK at playing along.
You: Can you type more than one syllable?
You: Christ almighty, you're getting on my tits.
You: Do I have to carry the ENTIRE conversation?
You: you blimey cunt.
Stranger: uhh
You have disconnected.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"