You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: what gender are you?
Stranger: None
You: cool!
You: do you like sex?
Stranger: Nope
You: oh excellent!
You: okay
You: how many fingers am i holding up?
Stranger: Three
You: no, zero
Stranger: Nuts
You: damn
You: I thought we had something there
Stranger: Lame
You: i ate squirrel once
Stranger: Was it tasty?
You: it was... gamey
You: a bit rancid
Stranger: I prefer pizza
You: for sure
You: not doing that again
You: shark, on the other hand
You: is also gross
Stranger: Do what things do you like?
Stranger: So*
You: I like reading
You: and camping
You: and slaughtering pig-dog americans
You: and crochet
Stranger: Thankfully I'm Canadian
You: that is on the north american continent, yes?
Stranger: Yup
You: no, canada is cool
You: they gave my polish jew great-grand-dad $5 and enterence
You: after america turned his family away
You: because he was a polish jew
You: 5 times
You: Canada is ok by me!
Stranger: Fantastic
You: innit"
You: ?
You: what things do you like?
Stranger: I like..
Stranger: Drugs and Teddy
You: teddy bears or teddies the nightgown that gets whisked to the floor?
You: or rooseveldt?
Stranger: That would be bears
You: Theo was a great guy!
You: the bears, of course, named for him
You: so you like build-a-bear then?
Stranger: I've never been
You: me neither
You: but I don't like teddy bears
Stranger: Well I'm rather old for that
You: got a stuffed monkey from there
You: how old?
Stranger: 21
You: from my nephew
You: im 25
You: so you like teddy but you no go buy teddy?
You: I am confused
Stranger: I do, sometimes
You: ok
You: what drugs then?
Stranger: Opiates
You: ok
Stranger: And Benzos
You: I work with drugs
Stranger: Both
You: I make them
You: and sell them
Stranger: Are very nice together
You: is fully sanctioned by DEA
You: I bet!
You: but you'd get a fuck of a hangover, yes?
Stranger: Hmm.. I don't remember one the last time
You: maybe up to 24 hours post?
You: man, this is boring.
You: tell me something interesting
Stranger: Fucking you people can't wait 3 fucking seconds
Stranger: Interesting?!
You: whatever
You: I just get bored talking to drug ppl
You: YAY!!!
You: oooh
You: just gave me a boner there
You: okay
You: tee hee hee!
You: skinhead
Stranger: Choked him with a broomhandle
You: okay I have an interesting thing too!
Stranger: Go ahead
You: the moon is covered entirely in black rock
You: magma
You: the reason it "glows" yellow-white
You: is because ther is no water or wind
You: to round out the dust particals
You: and since the moon is constantly barraged in meteorites
You: the top layer is pummeled into a fine dust
Stranger: I thought the moon was covered in regolith
You: with sharp fractures
You: and anlges
You: that reflect sunlight like a mirror
You: it's liquid rock
You: cooled
You: like magma
You: you ever see the photo of the earth and moon together?
You: the moon is this little brown turd
Stranger: Hahaha
You: gallileo took it
You: google for it
You: it's true
Stranger: Ok
You: I love that phot
You: o
Stranger: Why wouldn't I believe you
You: it's like a family photo album
You: 'cause this is the internet?
You: and I just got done lying to some kid that I was a middle-aged man?
You: because lying is fun?
Stranger: I don't really care since the lies are of no consequence to me
You: you can't believe people online
You: exactly
You: but you asked, I answered
You: so!
Stranger: TRUE
You: anything else interesting
You: ?
You: I got a new tattoo monday
Stranger: Of?
You: it's peeling and itchy now
You: a band I like
You: Skankin' Pickle
Stranger: Which?
You: I got the pickle
Stranger: Never heard
You: yeah
You: 3rd wave ska
You: but the fun bit
You: is that the tattoo artist/
You: I mean
You: zero scabbing
You: ZERO!
You: she did such an amazing job
You: I am going to her for all my future tattoo needs
You: no tats/
You: ?
Stranger: I'm very plain on the outside
You: oh
You: and a druggie on the inside>
Stranger: To hide you know
You: ?
You: hide what?
Stranger: Druggie Infantilist
You: tee hee hee!
You: don't mind me, i have my own addictions
Stranger: I imagine
You: I just deal with drugs for 40hrs a week
You: it gets boring
Stranger: To be fair I haven't done drugs in 3 months
You: really?
You: I just had a cigarette, like... an hour ago
You: and some whiskey Friday night
Stranger: Well I did have a drink earlier
You: annnnd I been drinking coffee all day
You: and I take venifalaxine every 12 hours
Stranger: OK, so caffeine yes.. and that bloody tegretol I take
You: oooh, whatcha drink?
Stranger: Booze
You: for seizures or for bipolar?
You: what booze?
Stranger: Some say seizures and others bipolar
You: LOL
You: weird people you know!
Stranger: I'm trying to come off it
You: ah
You: I'm stuck on the Ven forever it seems
You: without it I have a severe mistake in natural brain chemical production!
Stranger: Yes, that definitely sucks
You: I like Jameson whiskey
You: (meh, I'm over it)
Stranger: I had some 17% creamy crap
You: oh
You: like
Stranger: Out of whisky
You: Bailey's?
You: *GASP*
You: I would melt.
Stranger: I can't remember the name
You: I buy cigs and whiskey before food
Stranger: Mmm.. I love food too much for that
You: me too
You: but I'm on a diet
You: so
You: *shrug*
You: no carbs no sugars
You: ficking pre-diabeetus!
Stranger: No carbs? Lame; I love pasta
You: I'm not fat enough for diabeetus!
You: I used to love pasta
You: I do not avoid cheese
You: cheese is god's gift to me
Stranger: I could make some right now!
You: mmm
Stranger: But it's nearly 4am, haha
You: lasagna
You: HA HA HA!
You: I'm quarter to two
You: so you're east coast!
Stranger: In Canada
You: I'm mountain standard
You: yeah, I remember
You: I'm in the Rocky's
You: rockies
Stranger: Sorry, all the conversations meld into each other, so I can't remember for sure what's been said
You: s'cool
Stranger: I've probably said some foolish things though
You: who cares?
You: it's the internet!
You: i would marry the internet
Stranger: Even the porno parts?
You: internet porn is magnificent
Stranger: Even the endless right/left politics parts?
You: um
You: nobody's perfect
Stranger: Hah
You: :D
You: so, tell me a secret!
You: since I have no idea who you are
You: and will never know
Stranger: A secret?
You: let's trade secrets!
You: yes
You: something nobody else knows!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"