You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hello stranger
Stranger: asl
You: 25 female colorado
You: you?
Stranger: 26 male sacromento CA
You: hello
Stranger: hey wanna atlk dirty to me
You: ok
Stranger: really
You: what are you into?
Stranger: im into you
Stranger: on me
Stranger: in the bed room
You: hee hee hee! we just met, silly!
Stranger: so
You: and I like it in the kitchen
Stranger: really
You: not really
You: no
Stranger: oh
You: but I like sofas
You: oh!
Stranger: really
You: lets be in ...
You: um
You: yeah sofas are rad
You: lets be in someplace public
You: !
Stranger: wow
Stranger: no private me and you having sex on my bed
You: oh
You: where's the adventure?
Stranger: you make it up
You: okay ok
You: what kinda sheets you got?
Stranger: green and blue
You: nice!
You: cotton or?
You: forget it
You: um
Stranger: ya baby if you and me were together on those they would be white
You: what are you wearing?
You: (snort! how cliche!)
You: oh how bout this
Stranger: boxer and my hand moving up and down om my penis
You: oh!
You: i like boxers
Stranger: ya
Stranger: yup
You: I'm wearing
You: hi-top sneakers
Stranger: what..
You: and glasses
Stranger: eww
You: and nothing else
You: well, I gotta see!
Stranger: oh in that case ok
You: lemme put in contacts
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"