Originally Posted By: whomod

Here, the leader of the Republican Party reacts to the news.

Well, this actually is was what the fat drug addled Nazi asshole gasbag had to say:

"A lot of people said, well Specter, take McCain with you, and his daughter. Take McCain and his daughter with you," talk show host Rush Limbaugh declared during the early hour of his Tuesday program.

So really? Rush Limbaugh wants the magic number to go up to 61 now? He really does want to be the leader of the Fascist party, that control NOTHING (well besides the deep south) but is pure in their extremism?

Michael Steele now has to warm up the crazed extremists that control his party even more to save his ineffective ass, so he had THIS to say:

"Let's be honest," read a statement from RNC Chairman Michael Steele. "Senator Specter didn't leave the GOP based on principles of any kind. He left to further his personal political interests because he knew that he was going to lose a Republican primary due to his left-wing voting record."

Yeah, that big "left winger" Arlen Specter. \:lol\:

Keep up the extremism guys, it's helping The Democratic Party day by day.

Here's what conservative host Michael Smirconish had to say:

"This is a sad day for the GOP," Michael Smerconish, a longtime conservative radio host in Philadelphia, told the Huffington Post. "He is what the party needed to be. They need to cultivate more Specters instead of deriding him as a RINO [Republican In Name Only].... The fact that Michael Steele is deriding him for his left wing record is just the same type of bullshit of playing to the base."

He sees it as a bad thing, i however love it.

Like I say, keep up the extremism guys.


Hardball, right now with Smerconish and Matthews:

"the death of the Republican party" - Chris Matthews

I see you can still use smileys properly.

Where's the rest of the herd? You know, like zzap and all of them? They gonna show up again? They gonna register new ids or use the ones we know?

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.