Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
[Well we'll have to agree to dissagree about the media to a degree. I think you tend to generallize to much and I know you geniunly feel that way but Obama does get scrutinized by the press. While some go softer than they did on Bush others have gone harder. It may not balance out totally but does it really rate the soviet comrade talk?

You mean the way a New York Times reporter asked Obama what "enchanted" him most in his first 100 days as president?

A hardball question, that.

In 13 questions (pre-selected, with an ordered list for Obama to call on, by his handlers) that press conference was a joke. Long-winded filibuster answers by Obama, and not allowed any follow up. I watched the CNN coverage, and all the post-conference pundits evaluating Obama's answers were all Wow, great, a-plus performance!..."

I flipped over to FOX news an hour later, and while they still had a liberal counter-point, they also pointed out that Obama's people pre-selected who Obama would call on, that no follow-up was allowed of Obama, and that amidst all the softball questions, in an entire hour not one question was laid on Obama about the sinking economy, the auto bailouts, high unemployment, or any of Obama's hypocritical actions in recent months that are polar opposite of his campaign promises.

The closest was some guy from Black Entertainment Channel, who asked Obama about the perspective of black Americans in particular in our current economic recession.

Please, oh please, tell me where the liberal media has done anything other than run P.R. and cover for Obama.

As Obama has accumulated more debt in 3 months than Bush accumulated in 8 years, as he has labelled our veterans as potential terrorists to be watched closely, as he has promised "a higher standard" for his cabinet appointments, and instead appointed tax evaders.
And how in the few positions Obama has taken a sensible stance, he has adopted the actions and rhetoric of George W. Bush, the same actions and rhetoric he was so critical of during the campaign.

The same media that hyped every negative statement about Bush, and every last potential scandalous allegation against Bush, and about McCain during the campaign, has suddenly grown silent about the many proven hypocritical and nation-endangering actions of Obama and his administration.

"Wow, great, A-plus !"

Damn, that's some hard journalism.