Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Snarf was that one kid in High School who liked getting picked on by the bullies. He thought that negative attention was better than getting no attention at all...

I couldnt place it! That's it exactly.

He'd say something moronic so that someone would call him on it then suck up the sympathy from the girls.

Of course after the sympathy fest the girls went and fucked the "bullies" and the "victim" was left with the pride of having been sympathized with!

At first I didn't see it, but now I think you guys are on to something. That's probably also why he go so defensive about the Columbine shooters. He saw something of himself in them.

But at least the Columbine killers were only about 16 when they died virgins.