Freedom City is one of many official campaign settings for Green Ronin's Mutants & Masterminds roleplaying game (the other ones at the time of this writing being Paragons and George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards). FC is the "traditional" superhero campaign setting, with homages and pastiches of both Marvel and DC locales and characters.

Chapter 1 gives a brief overview of the city and a timeline of the Freedom City universe, presenting a solid cosmology in the 4-color vein.

Chapter 2 goes into a little more detail of the day-to-day workings of the city, giving the players' characters places to work, shop, eat, what have you. This chapter really gives one the idea of what the mundane life would be like in Metropolis or Marvel's NYC. Sure, there are superheroes, but that alien invasion disrupting traffic! It also helps players by giving them ideas for their character's civillian identities, as well as giving the GM ideas for places to have the villains attack.

Chapter 3 is all about what makes the city run- civil servants, elected officials, what have you. Of concern to the players, this chapter also gives info on some of FC's local law enforcers, from the city police and their SCU equivalent (the STAR Squad) to the federal level, as represented by AEGIS (American Elite Government Intervention Service). Also, information on the FC underworld is elaborated on, giving the street-themed heroes plenty of Mafiosos and mobsters to confront. This chapter has everything you'd want to know about what can happen after the superfight is ended.

Chapter 4 discusses the world (and worlds) beyond Freedom City. It starts with a brief look at the rest of the known world (Europe, Asia, what have you), and then branches off into the various hidden areas of the world (such as the FC version of Atlantis and an island in the South Pacific where all the giant, Japanese monsters live. Seriously.). The chapter concludes with some info on outer space and the various mystic dimensions and alternate timelines that any good comic book world should have. It expands on the brief cosmology found in chapter 1 and should give ample brainstorming fodder for any player who still needs ideas for their superheroic identity.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!