Okay, time to get a little emo for a moment. Simple fact is I love my girlfriend. We've been together for awhile now and I'm still loving every minute of it. We met when I was at the lowest point in my life. I was unceremoniously dumped by my ex. I lost my job. I lost my place. I lost everything. Our first date was paid for by selling what was left of my shit (comics, cds, dvds, video games). Still, despite the fact that my life was a good case for socialist and other wackos to prove the capitalism and the American Way are failed philosophies, she thought this guy who looked like life was just taking a giant shit on him was--at least--pretty cute and worth giving a shot. It wasn't easy winning her over, but I think that is all part of why I love her. I had to earn her. After awhile of feeling like a sack of shit every time I cashed an unemployment check (I honestly just quit calling in my claim because of how degrading it made me feel. The hunger pangs took on a symbolism, I guess, of how I was hungry for the good life again.), I finally got the rather unglamorous job of a fry cook. Still, it was a check and a start in the right direction. Soon, I had a room in a dirty room in a dirty house with a couple of other degenerates. And, I was winning over her. Eventually, the owner of the restaurant saw that I was more than a fry cook. And, I got promoted to shift manager. I started making more money. I was able to take her out on better dates than McDonald's. It wasn't long until I was moved up to manager. Better money. After a year and a half, I got out of that shit hole house and got my own place again...with her. I started going to corporate conferences. I've made friends and have drinks with the founders of a thirty million dollar company and am now being groomed for the move to corporate. The American Way works. The American Dream is alive. I may not be able to convey that effectively through words all the time. I may only be able to say that those who think otherwise are just a bunch of commie pinkos, idiots, and "progressive" douchbags. But, I've lived The Dream and it is very fucking cool.

Which brings me back to why I love my girlfriend. Like living The Dream, she didn't make it easy. I had to work for her. I had to earn her love. But, it was worth it and I've earned her love and so much more in only the course of a few years.

God bless America and God bless Knitwit!

Makeshit faux-Country Cutie:

Motley Crue Night:

I'd post more but I had to promise not to post the ones showing too much skin.

Last edited by iggy; 2009-05-23 9:26 PM.