Planet of the Dead was shit. I really loved the first 3 years of RTD's Doctor Who and have tried to find the good points in his last year of sloppy boring crap but I can't with this.
The opening where the Doctor is eating a chocolate egg and says Happy Easter was the only part I enjoyed. These specials were supposed to be big, the rumors involved Paul Mcgann and the Time War as well as other huge stars. Instead we've got the Bionic Woman as a jewel thief who, like all RTD companions, is oh so special and impressive. The great thing about Donna in the Runaway Bride was that she was a moron, but RTD has gotten so damn sentimental that the show is little more than a whiny Doctor being led around by the "strong female" companion. From what I'm reading the Waters of Mars is going to be yet another standard story (but with an even fiestier companion) and then a two parter with the same guest stars from Journey's End and then Tenant's regeneration. What a waste.
RTD started out brilliantly, but I think he got too caught up in the big emotional moments that he lazily just writes a bunch of "yay Doctor" scenes where someone cries and/or salutes and calls it gold.
I love Tenant, he is MY Doctor but I can't wait to see him go. It's like watching someone you like suffer through humiliation after humiliation.

Bring on Moffet!

Bow ties are coool.