Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
She had a big leadership position and quit using reasons that don't even make sense to her party.

Could you link to the party statement to this effect?

Of course you cant, you liberals are running scared again as you cant define her. You can link to some Republicans bashing her, but you can link to Hilary bashing Obama as well. Face facts, you guys got kicked ion the nuts again. The plan was to throw roadblocks for 2 more years so she could be portrayed as a do nothing Govenor, now they dont know what to do. they dont know what she wants to do and its eating the liberal press alive. I'm enjoying every minute of it.

I await your link to the Republican parties statement.

So you see this as brilliant strategy on Palin's part?

How would non-Palin worshippers be able to trust her in not quitting another high office if elected?

Fair play!