Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
One sided? I've said from the beginning that I have no idea what she's up to. All the reasons she gave when she resigned still ring true. The millions the State has spent knocking down the false ethics complaints could be better used on Teachers, Troopers, roads, ect. The DNC was going to continue to fund millions into the State to block anything from getting done, and since her successor has the same political beliefs as her she can serve America and the State better in a different capacity. You are the one toting the DNC line. You think if you scream her career is over loud enough it will be and its funny to watch.

You have no idea what she's up to because she hasn't really explained that. I have no idea either. You spin it like it's a good thing though. And if she can't handle partisan oppossition as govenor it doesn't really bode well for whatever she decides to do in the future politically does it?

And again if I was really like you want me to be why would I say anything significantly complimentary about her before the election or after? I'm just calling it as how I see the situation basams. Yor're calling it how you want to see it.

Fair play!