Argue, argue, argue. Don't either of you have any other speed?

Listen, I'm not going to go into a lecture a five-year-old would have already figured out. If I have to sit here and explain the difference in personality between DC Comic's SUPERMAN and Marvel Comic's CAPTAIN AMERICA, then you have no business being in this kind of conversation in the first place.

John Barrowman would not work for Captain America. He's too effeminate. He's not that deep of an actor. And, he's about as American as Cunty McPoofsterman, here. That's obvious, and it's waste of my time and finger energy in having to type that out.

Superman is an alien. He's a bit more "gentle" than Captain America (i.e. omnisexual Snarf feelings), and Barrowman naturally conveys that attribute in what little acting I've seen of him. Just so happens he has Superman's look, as well.

Anytime I even think about casting Captain America, I'll always lean more towards the realistic, soldier aspect of the Ultimate version, as I'm pretty certain that's the type of Cap they'll be bringing to the Big Screen (I hear it's a doozy). Bringing just another spandex character to the mix would be a waste of translation.

Now, piss-off you fucking marys, and stop trolling for an argument that's beneath both of us...