Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I was talking to this cute, married girl, and managed to get her phone number. I'm not sure if I should be proud or disappointed with myself.

you ...brought the entrees to her table while she was in the rest room, then dug around in her purse for a phone?

how in conversation did it come up that she was married? if its the first time you're talking to a stranger, that's typically code for "get away from me, fuck face".

if, on the other hand, she gave you her cell phone number (and presuming its not a fake number to go along with the "fuck face" cover), that means she made a point to detail her marriage AND give away her number, in the same incredibly awkward and varied first convo with a stranger. so she's a nut. unless you're on vacation (i.e; out of state) and can bang her then never see her again (which still has its own set of problems, but...) then abandon ship.

giant picture