Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Seriously though, it was a scumbag move. I'm a married guy so my opinion of Snarf changed with this thread. I used to find him amusing and fun to rip on and I don't really have any negative opinion about him, but if this thread is true, then I guess I kinda hate his guts and would not want to be his friend.

Seconded. I can't believe he actually went for it. That's a truly dick-hole move snarf...

 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I emailed her, as that eliminates the risk of accidentally getting her husband on the phone, but she never emailed be back...

lol you know he probably just e-mailed her that night, waiting by his computer and hitting the 'send/receive' button every 5 minutes until he gave up at 2:20 in the morning and posted that.