Thanks to the Nature Boys and a can of Spotted Dick the Chicago Wizard World Con was blown up...REAL GOOD! Upon hearing about the can of Spotted Dick DC and Marvel and all major guests (besides Mark Millar promoting his excellent KICK ASS movie) immediately canceled. Panels were dropped and some didn't even start until late afternoon. When Franta handed Todd Bridges the can of Spotted Dick Todd immediately ran around to the various guest celeb booths and Wrestlers immediately went to a back alley and commenced wrestling, Margot Kidder ran around the floor dressed in saran wrap only, Lou Ferrigno pissed his pants, Billy Dee Williams "shot" his rocket off for all to see! Gary Coleman immediately went deep undercover and proceeded to walk around the Con floor trying to pick up any woman he thought might be a hooker and spreading a rumor that he was dying from Elanphantitus. "damn that Michael Jackson!" He was heard muttering. "He's trying to upstage me again!" The worst awful moment came when George Perez sat crying in a corner drawing one horrid pic after pic of Ace the Bat-Hound. On the up side each pic garnered Perez $100. Just ask Franta if you don't believe me.

I'm sure if Roy had shown his ass the Con would have been saved. After all, he's the guy who gave us the can of Spotted Dick in the first place! Here's hoping to seeing you and your original Spotted Dick at C2E2 Roy! We can blow that son of a bitch up real good too! (That's blowing up the Con - not the Spotted Dick to you filthy minded animals sitting out there neekid behind your computer screens! Thank you and have a pleasant yesterday!

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The one and only and quite original LLANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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