Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

These republicans staging a phony mob back in 2000...

Putting aside Zick's DNC talking point that any time a Republican speaks out it's either (a) a phony mob; or (b) a racist right wing militia...

Hillary was the one who said that Bush's brother being governor of Florida created a problem. She obviously wasn't talking about the fact that it resulted in protests by Republicans (as Zick suggests), given the context of her remarks. She was speaking in a country having problems with democracy and making reference to corrupt elections. As such, unless she just strings sentences together at random, she was clearly implying that the 2000 US election was corrupt.

And, if she was trying to claim that the 2000 GOP protests were something that equates to "corruption," then we're back to the point that Democrats think opposing views being heard are a "problem."

Either way, it reflects poorly on the supposed diplomatic skills of our nation's top diplomat.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Now you'll never vote for Obama \:\(

In other words, you can't respond to my points and had nothing to say. But you wanted to post something so you could edit the thread title.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man