A close aide to Hillary Clinton has dismissed as "psychobabble" the fuss over the US secretary of state's barbed response to a questioner asking for her famous husband's opinion instead of her own.

Clinton ignored questions about the episode as she wound down a marathon African trip on Thursday.

Clinton had reacted strongly earlier this week when a Congolese student in Kinshasa asked her for the opinion of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, about an international economic issue.

"Wait. You want me to tell you what my husband thinks?" a wide-eyed Clinton asked on Tuesday in response. "My husband is not the secretary of state; I am. So you ask my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. I'm not going to be channelling my husband."

Asked on Thursday about the impact of the widely reported exchange, Clinton was silent, then quickly launched into a glowing assessment of her 10-day tour of seven African nations.