I can't ever get a fucking room that isn't seven blocks away! That very first year we got a room IN the main hotel of the convention. But, now that all these fucking sports events (last year it was some football playoff, this year it's a NASCAR thing) are booked the same weekend in Atlanta, all of the rooms go a year before the next convention. So, fuck it. I'll wait until they have better hotel accomodations that are actually available, and get someone I actually want to go see. Last year, I got to hang out and have an outside chat with James Callis (Baltar from BSG). It was informal, casual, and just a nice simple chat with a very nice guy....who just happens to play one of my favorite characters of all time. I doubt anything this year could compare. So, I'll just chill until next year. Or until one of the Doctors from DOCTOR WHO attends.

Knut, totally take pictures man!