This combo system is JACKED. UP.

Sure. If you can pull off a free flow, it looks really cool, but it's fucking difficult to tell if they're just waiting in line to hit you or if the guy is the next one up to do it.

I'm not sure if I've just been spoiled by Uncharted or if Rocksteady's just counter-intuitive, but Batman's inability to jump from one ledge to another or use the grapple while hanging sucked. He also should have been able to peek over a wall while hanging if need be; that's just common sense. There were also some parts where Batman could have just run up the wall but, of course, you're not able to do that, so you're forced to use the grapple for just a larger than average jump. And finally, the glide feature, while cool, is too difficult to implement. Instead of immediately starting the glide from the top of the wall, you have to carefully time a double-tap of the X button to pull off a decent glide. If you miscalculate for just half a second, the glide is fucked. Also, on a lesser note, I think you should have been able use the grapple mid-glide.

And the writing--FUCK! His discussions with Oracle just hurt the integrity of the writing so much--they used their actual names over a frequency that Batman already knew was compromised by Riddler for crying out loud! Then there was the fact that he was corresponding with the cops the entire time, just walking with them into the depths of Arkham as if he was a public official rather than a vigilante. Then there was Jim Gordon's very non-discrete praise of him throughout the game to other law officials--he shook his bloody hand in public! And the fact that he just walked up to talk to people and have detailed conversations as if it were some kind of role-playing game. Then there was poorly handled soliloquies: I wouldn't have had a big problem with them if they weren't spoken with such Superfriends-like inflections. Think more along the lines of Riddick soliloquies and you'll get an idea of what I wanted. And Barbara....Seriously, what the fuck!? Were they that desperate for a token female character? There was simply no reason for her to be there. Alfred would have made a lot more sense--even Dick would have been more appropriate.

Either Dini got lazy or he simply didn't enforce a consistent nuance with the developers.

Still, overall, pretty good. I had some problems with the aesthetics; Batman was built more like Superman and he wasn't as wraith-like as I wanted him to be, but those can easily be overlooked.

All the credit for the game's good qualities go towards the devs. Dini, however, screwed the pooch.