Conan O'Brien hits head during 'Tonight' stunt

LOS ANGELES – Conan O'Brien hit his head during a stunt for the "Tonight Show" on Friday and the production was halted, NBC said.

O'Brien was being examined Friday at a hospital. The network declined comment on his condition or whether he had been released.

O'Brien issued a statement through NBC that indicated he was treating the incident lightly.

"Last thing I remember I was enjoying the play with Mrs. Lincoln, and the next thing I knew I was in bed being served cookies and juice" O'Brien said in the statement.

The 46-year-old comedian took over the "Tonight" host's job from Jay Leno in June.

O'Brien's accident recalled a rare absence by Leno that came toward the end of his 17 years with the show, when a high fever and unspecified illness caused him to check himself into a hospital for a day.

NBC canceled two episodes of "Tonight" when that occurred in May. Leno's new daily prime-time comedy show debuted this month.

There was no word from NBC on plans for next week's shows.

NBC's decision to remove the top-rated Leno from "Tonight" and replace him with O'Brien, hoping to draw a younger audience, put pressure on the new host's shoulders.

The network's creation of a daily prime-time series for Leno, displacing five hours of scripted shows, was another bold move

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