Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
I'm telling you it is necessary to address hate crimes as a particularly heinous crime, with punishment over and above the norm.

If someone hates [fill in group] so much that he or she is going to attack them in a particularly "heinous" way, how is passing a hate crime law a deterrent? Wouldn't education be a better way to deal with it than passing a law that can have dangerous unintended consequences.

Finally, I must note that your insistence that I "retract" a legal theory that you find offensive is actually a pretty good example of why these laws are dangerous. You find my argument offensive so you don't just explain why you disagree. Instead you demand I not make it. That's a censoring mentality and one that (when practiced by governments) many opponents of the hate crimes law (see, for example, rex) find dangerous to free expression.

For starters, education would solve a great many ills in the cesspool we call the modern United States of America. So yes, I'll agree. Education on equality is the least of your problems. Basic reading and writing skills would be a boon to you people.

I'm not saying it to sensor you, I'm attempting to appeal to your humanity. What purpose is served by declaring an obvious falsehood? That is Faux News tactics, and serves little more than to rile up the ignorant. I'm certain you don't honestly believe the administration meant to provide a loophole for pedophiles, so why say as much? It makes you, and anything you may have to say sound ridiculous.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!