Originally Posted By: klinton
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber

are you supposed to get all confused here? your the dude fucking other dudes, you are already confused. i got nothing to do with that.

but seriously. are you saying gays are lesser people than straights? that they are somehow more hurt by being beaten by someone that doesnt like their sexual perversions than if someone beats a straight woman for cutting them off in traffic?

fear is fear. for you to say an old woman being beaten for a traffic mistake will live in less fear than a gay guy beaten for being gay is laughable and not based at all in reality.

the real truth here is that many gays, and certainly not all of them feel a guilt for their sexual desires. they look for a special legal status for validation. deep down you know its true.

Hahaha...no, not at all. What I want is forced equality. It's not my own self image that's at fault, it's people like you who perceive a difference. Addressing me in condescending tones or as somehow 'confused' or in possession of 'perversions' (as you so charmingly put it) is proof positive that people are still ignorant and set in their hate. And I don't consider you any sort of evil...you're just average joe.

It's not a special legal status they're talking about, nor is it primarily for homosexuals. I think a more common target for hate crimes in the United States is actually the Muslim population. I don't think it's "special status" to insist people be held accountable for xenophobia and bigotry. You cannot govern how someone feels...but you can punish their actions. Hate crime legislation is a step in the right direction.

Like I said when responding to you...any victim of a violent attack is going to feel violated. But the woman in your analogy is a victim of random violence. She was not targeted for something she is and cannot (nor should have to in a 'free country') change. She happened to be driving in the wrong lane. She's not likely to head out in the near future and be subjected to slurs and future threats.

It really is apples and oranges, mate.

you say this because you are gay and not an old lady. to say that old people dont live in fear is absurd.