Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber

If gays want to stop this crap(I think it's bull to physically attack people because of differing views), you got to quit being victims man. Don't take the shit, and if you get it dont whine about it. I never cried about an ass whooping in my life deserved or not deserved.

I'm actually going to agree with that one. Far more appropriate (and effective) than any legislation is personal ownership. A victim is always going to allow themselves to be a victim. I berate the same class of people for standing up and declaring Obama as some sort of validation of their existence, when clearly he's nothing like them, having moved past the idea of being a societal victim and taken life by the horns. He's not an example of what a 'black man' can accomplish. He's an example of what a man can accomplish, skin colour is irrelevant.

That said though, as a society, we are in need of guidelines. People respond to punishment (or the prospect thereof) and not suggestion. You can't make people stop...and you can't condone this behavior (as a society). Vigilante justice isn't the answer either.

As G-man said earlier, education is necessary. But when simple things like birth control are a massive hurdle in a crippled system....where do you start?

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!