Originally Posted By: klinton
That said though, as a society, we are in need of guidelines. People respond to punishment (or the prospect thereof) and not suggestion. You can't make people stop...and you can't condone this behavior (as a society). Vigilante justice isn't the answer either.

As G-man said earlier, education is necessary. But when simple things like birth control are a massive hurdle in a crippled system....where do you start?

you start with you. as an individual, you have absolutely no control over the course of events around you. but you have every bit of control over how you choose to respond and how you choose to represent the cause to which you adhere. if you can do that and manage to get enough of your allies to do the same, then you have nothing to be ashamed of regardless of the success or failure of your cause. I'm not saying that as an open proponent or opponent of your movement; it's true for any would-be movement in this society.


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