Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
wanting punishments to be stiffer when your 'people' are singled out than when other people are implies unwarranted self-importance.

I'll get back to the rest in a bit (watching a movie, and just dropping in occasionally out of curiosity), but this statement is amiss.

No one group is seeking hate crime legislation, nor is represented over and above another. This level of legislation applies to you if you're black, white, spanish, male, female, straight, gay, christian, muslim...anything. It's not special punishment for an attack on any one group...it's acting as a deterrent on hate crimes for anyone based on any criteria. If you think it especially applies to one group more than another, then perhaps it's you holding the bias (or feel no need for such protection of whatever group you most closely define your person by, or are seeing a disproportionate amount of hatred enacted towards the group you feel it applies to).

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!