Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

Did I say Obama was a pedophile supporter? No, I did not. I said that there were concerns with this law that Obama and his administration were seemingly ignoring and that this (like the ACORN child hooker scandal and the hiring of a safe schools czar who encouraged teenaged boys to have sex with male teachers). That was, I said, basically "winking at" the threat of pedophilia.

Mmmhmmm...the headline was a picture of Obama all 'thumbs up' superimposed on a pro pedophile protest, accompanied with the text "Obama's fans in NAMBLA" and "Pedophile Rights?"....but there was no implication on your part? The thread is labeled "Pedophile Protection Act".

Either you're completely at ease with being duplicitous...or you've been watching far too much Faux News and can't see the difference between simply reporting the news, and skewing it all out of true.


Ah, hypocrisy, thy name is Klinton....

It's not hypocritical. I told you I wanted to hear something specific from you. This is possible while discussing tangent issues with others.

Last edited by klinton; 2009-10-31 4:25 PM.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!