Originally Posted By: klinton
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Youre a bit over emotional klinton. I think the fact the Dems have lumped you gay guys in with the pedophiles has you upset.

No, no...that is clearly the Christian right (and, the most vocal posters here). The law, as it reads, includes everyone. Even if you all fail to accept that pedophilia is not a sexual orientation...heterosexuality is included in the mix of "sexual orientation". It is not some magnificent 'other' option over and above everything else.

The law as MEM quoted above recognizes sexual attration to males or females of the same sex, it doesn not say adult males and females of the same sex. therefore an activist judge could easily apply this to a pedophile. and as Obama has recently appointed an activist judge to the supreme court, this law down the road could be troubling. judges no longer interpret the law as it is written but as they would like it to be done.