Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Lucas lost touch with reality in the 80's somewhere. When he redid the trilogy in the 90's and had Greedo shoot first, it just proved it. "I don't think people can root for a guy who just gunned a guy down in cold blood." Um... wasn't Han Solo already an extremely popular character forever cemented into the popular culture by that time? I guess the proper response is, "Yes they can, George. They already did."

i wonder what other creators would redo portions of their own classics, and for what reason, good or bad. like, if the original terminator had a re-release, would there be tweaks because the original budget couldn't afford it? or maybe the indy trilogy was always destined for muppets?

spielberg has always said that if jaws was made today, it'd likely be underwhelming because they'd be able to show a CG shark eating everything in sight, rather than just the dramatic mystery of seeing swimmers suddenly pulled underwater