Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Prediction: How the Media Will Report Sarah Palin's Book Tour
  • First, expect the major national outlets (NBC, New York Times, etc.) to ignore this evidence of Palin's overwhelming popularity. They've been commissioning polls especially designed to show that Palin is unpopular, and they're not going to let facts get in their way.

    Second, to the extent that the elite media take notice of the huge crowds at Palin events, expect them to focus obsessively over any tinfoil-hat crackpots who turn up. Time or Newsweek will send reporters out to these book-signings, and the reporters will interview scores of Palin fans until they find one or two conspiracy kooks who think Obama was born in Kenya or that 9/11 was an "inside job." And those will be the only Palin supporters quoted in the MSM stories.

    Finally, expect the media to take the good-news-is-bad-news angle: If Palin is "bad news" for the GOP -- hey, Newsweek told you so! -- then the fact that she's drawing big crowds can only mean that the Republican Party is headed for oblivion, you see.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Fox News's Gregg Jarrett today used old stock footage of a McCain-Palin rally from last year to illustrate how Sarah Palin is "continuing to draw huge crowds" during her book tour. He was apparently not tipped off by the McCain campaign "Country First" sign in one of the shots, nor did he wonder why Palin would be using a teleprompter to plug her book.