MEM your being contradictory. first you say there were 11 fact checkers on Palin's book and none on Husseins because he wasnt considered a future candidate, so there was a need for 11 reporters assigned to Palin's book.

In the case of the healthcare bill you say there are 2 reporters but there is no hurry.

The fact is there was less than 3 days from the time Pelosi submitted the bill to the time the vote was taken. If Palin is running for President there is 3 years from publishing her book till she runs. Wouldn't it be more journalistically responsible to put 11 reporters on fleshing out the details of a bill this important before the vote, and 2 reporters however long they needed to fact check a book?

Which is more urgent in your mind, finding out details of legislation that impacts your life before it's voted on, or finding out details of a politicians book quickly?

Try to answer honestly, but if you can't it's ok.