Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick
Still wondering what basams based his 2 reporters stat on?

Associated Press: Senate, House Democratic health bills compared By ERICA WERNER and RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR (AP)

Two reporters listed. Unlike the eleven listed on the Palin "fact check".

In addition, please note the following (under "Accountability Journalism") from the Wall St. Journal: On a per-page basis, that is, the AP devoted 52 times as much manpower to the memoir of a former Republican officeholder as to a piece of legislation that will cost trillions of dollars and an untold number of lives. That's what they call accountability journalism.
  • Number of AP reporters assigned to story:
    • ObamaCare bills: 2
    • Palin book: 11

    Number of pages in document being covered:
    • ObamaCare bills: 4,064
    • Palin book: 432

    Number of pages per AP reporter:
    • ObamaCare bill: 2,032
    • Palin book: 39.3

Seems pretty clear to me...and anyone else not getting all their thinking from Media Matters.