Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

It's a Palin talking point that pretends one story by the AP about the health care bills equals one story about her book. I think most people understand that the AP probably has more resources invested in the health care bills on a regular basis than a short term time investment it used for the Palin book. It's a classic dodge by Palin herself to distract from her actual mistakes she made in the book. She seems to be good at that as well as blaming others and quitting.

As I wrote over an hour ago:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
... a search of the past seven days of the AP's archive shows 51 additional stories that mention Palin. So, clearly, the AP isn't done covering her either.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

Furthermore, neither you ... or the AP can predict with certainty when a bill will pass. With that in mind, the idea that a chatty tell-all book about last year's campaign is a priority over major legislation becomes even more nonsensical.

In addition, I note that the AP laid off staff last week. This means that their resources will be more, not less, stressed in the coming weeks and months. With diminishing staff comes diminishing ability to cover healthcare. Accordingly, the decision to devote so much of their (shrinking) staff's time to a biography over policy at this point in time would seem to demonstrate that their priorities lie less in good government and more in attacking politicians they disapprove of.

It doesn't though. Just because the AP mentions Palin in other stories isn't evidence that they are employing more resources on her. The 11 were just used for a short time, some minimally involved according to the AP. Palin and you can cry foul but it's a dodge from reallity.

Fair play!