Sarah Palin rises in polls as Obama slips, new surveys show:
  • The latest USA Today/Gallup Poll puts Mr. Obama’s job approval rating at 47 percent, a new low for his 10-month administration. His job approval ratings rose briefly after last week’s announcement of a new policy in Afghanistan but then fell back in Dec. 4-6 polling, Gallup said.

    As for Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate, 46 percent of Americans have a favorable view of her and 46 percent have an unfavorable view, according to a new poll by CNN/Opinion Research Corp. Those figures represent progress for Ms. Palin: When she resigned as Alaska’s governor in July, her favorability rating in CNN’s poll dropped to 39 percent.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Sorry Zick. You live by the polls, you die by the polls