these specials have been a big letdown. I think what ruined them was all the early rumors about celebrities, Paul Mcgann, the Time War, etc. Just like the 4th season RTD has let the acclaim he got for the first 3 seasons (and rightfully so) go to his head. Planet of the Dead and Waters of Mars were little more than regular episodes with extra padding. Waters was actually decent and I liked the idea that he decided he could make the rules now. But Planet seemed to boil down to one old lady saying "he will knock 4 times," which they could've slipped into the dialogue anywhere else and scrapped the whole "special". Also the spacing has been crap. March to November and then 3 specials crammed into about 6 weeks is just poor planning. I'm looking forward to The End of Time mainly because I think RTD probably put his real energies into that and just shit out Planet and Waters, and John Simm's as the Master plus some kind of Time Lord return should be be worthwhile. Overall I'm just waiting for Moffet. I don't care about the new Doctor as I do about the new producer.

On another note I've been downloading the Tom Baker serials that I've yet to see. I really dug how his first year had each story leading into the next one, I like that kind of continuity. Nathan-Turner's changes in year 18 were utter shit though.
I also got a chance to see Dreamland and the Wedding of Sarah Jane for the last few Tennant stories. Not great, but not bad either. Enjoyable.

Bow ties are coool.