Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
While Petterson maintains that Fox & Friend’s didn’t err in displaying the information from Rasmussen, she acknowledges that the presentation wasn't perfect. “The mistake I do see is we could have been a little clearer here,” she said.

UPDATE: Media Matters' Rabin-Havt responds to POLITICO:

"Lauren Petterson clearly did not watch the segment in question. Host Steve Doocy agreed with Media Matters’ interpretation seeing as he attempted to add up these numbers as they appeared on air and said “so you get 90 – you got a lot of people.” On Fox News, percentages don't add up to 100 and, apparently, "zero tolerance" means unless we get caught."

Looking back at the clip via TVEyes, Doocy did mention the number 90, which was followed by some joking about whether the number could move closer to 100 percent.


Politico also notes that Doocy added up the percentages in a graphic that FOX even admits could be confusing. Considering that their own on air people came up with a wrong tally of percentages using it that really isn't a big admission. Errors do happen with any these guys but FOX keeps racking them up so it does start to look fishy.

Fair play!