Well after recent comments that WWE is failing to bring up any new talent to the next level, last nights TLC PPV may be the signs that they are starting to take notice.

Firstly Drew McIntyre won the IC title, which obviously doesnt always guarantee you will go much further (just ask Carlito etc), but as its quite early in his return to the main roster (he appeared for a month or two a couple of years ago, and promptly disapeared), it does seem to indicate that WWE and Vince see potential in him.

Even bigger news though was the fact that relative newcomer, Sheamus, beat Cena for the WWE championship.

Whats also interesting is that both these guys are from this side of the pond, one from Scotland and one from Ireland, meaning they are also starting to realise that concentrating solely on US and Canadian based talent, isnt that good for business these days.
And correct me if I am wrong, but I think Sheamus may be the first non-Americas (covering the likes of Canada and Mexico etc) WWE champion since Yokazuna.