I haven't seen that G-man expresses much interest in Beck's opinion, pedo-rex.

And even for myself, I'd say two days out of five, Beck has an informative show that gives a lot of information and is worth watching for the full hour.

I've posted this one several times as giving a great overview of the Obama's deception, and the threat Obama poses to democracy as we know it:

Glenn Beck Tree of Revolution

When Beck is posting quotes of Obama staffers and what they actually said, exposing their radical anti-American tendencies, and stated views to overthrow our capitalist system and replace it with a state-controlled socialist system, I'm listening.

When Beck is just ranting and cynical, implying conspiracy without the facts to back it up, I flip the channel.

Beck also reports how Obama has printed 2 trillion dollars out of thin air, and how that inevitably will lead to massive inflation (as I pointed out in my topic about how Obama is burning the economic wick at both ends). Which is a danger to the nation that has gone virtually unreported, even on FOX News' other news and editorial shows. Beck has made the most lucid argument of how this threatens the nation's solvency.