I found it pointless and all over the place. However, there was some form of primal comfort I got out of it. I think it was structured like a Classic Who episode, and that appealed to my subconscious nostalgia. Standing back from it, you can see exactly where RTD had a great plot (Master/Doctor). But, then you see where the "studio-influence" comes in. The Master's action-figure-worthy "superpowers". The family demographic comforted by a bit of vaguely rude humor. Take note that the tempo and pace builds when The Doctor first starts chasing The Master. Then, at the height of the chase, a crowd of old people rush in to molest him. Thus, the "wink-nudge" to adults and kids alike, as to not take it too seriously. I think that's the part I dislike the most. Take it seriously. It's fucking Doctor Who. Have enough respect for the show, and its audience, as to not dumb down the emotional and visceral nature of drama.

Tennant and Simm where in perfectly balanced form here. They polished what they could, and just trudged through the silly shit without phoning anything in.

Oh, and just let me say that while I respect Tennant and his acting, the 10th Doctor is the biggest fucking emo in the history of television. If I have to see him tear up and get weepy in one more scene, I'm going to vomit. His whole fear of death thing, compared to how all the previous lives faced it (Davison, Eccleston) just paint Number Ten as a big pussy. Man-up, you wuss!

Enjoyed Dalton's dominance. He always looks so much more 'gallantly menacing' clean-shaven. He looks healthier/younger here than in Hot Fuzz. I'm waiting to pass judgment on the Time Lord thing until I've seen both parts.

I rate it 3 out of 5.