Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
Wondy will never answer those questions because he doesn't know the answers.

What question? Why YOU have a boy in your lap and imagine sex with infants, and yet why you accuse others of pedophile tendencies?
Again: the irony.

Can you see my thoughts in that picture? Can you see if I'm erect? No.
Those are your fantasies that you are projecting onto me. Its not my fault you are unable to be around kids without wanting to have sex with them. That is not normal. Normal people can be around kids and not want to rape them.

Quite a few here have commented on the oddness your pose with this boy, rex. It's not my perception alone.

Normal people (unlike you) are not perpetually unemployed, living with their mother, not dating women, bragging online about their sock-masturbation techniques, and trolling people 16 hours a day when they should be looking for a job. NOT TO EVEN MENTION your spending unnatural amounts of time with small children.
The fact that you want to rape children does not mean I want to. That's a false assumption rooted in your own dark obsessions.

 Originally Posted By: rex
Normal people do not jerk off to underage girls doing aerobics.

1) I haven't posted under-age girls. That's a slander.
2) I'm not jerking off to these videos. Although I do think the girls I've posted are beautiful. As any healthy heterosexual male would.

 Originally Posted By: rex
Normal people can think for themselves and can admit when they are wrong.

Says the guy attacking me as part of a wolf-pack. You like to profess your lack of hive-mind. But irritably trolling everyone else without ever voicing an opinion is not the same thing as voicing actual opinion, independent or otherwise.

 Originally Posted By: rex
You repeatedly wanking and crying when you are repeatedly proven wrong only makes you look worse.

You haven't proven me wrong, you've just declared "I win", posturing false bravado as you actually lose, as I repeatedly list the humiliating details of your wasted pathetic life.