Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
Bad time to use the dick sucking graemlin.

That interpretation of a simple emoticon for boredom speaks volumes about your homosexual tendencies, rex.

I guess you'll be posting more spinning cocks soon. Or you'll masturbate with gay porn privately.

finally you admit you are a pedophile. You say rex is homosexual for seeing the emoticon as a cock sucker, thus you are a pedophile for seeing pedophilia with a man with his nephew on his lap. this make syou the lowest form of scum of course. queers only hurt themselves and their sphincters, you on the other hand hurt children. its no wonder you are on a sexual predator list. the "Wonder Boy" screename makes a lot of sense now.

Nice objective analysis, there.

Oh yeah.