Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber

He has 37% approval on health care and 58% disapproval.

And incredibly, despite this, Obama and the Democrat leadership want to ram through a final trillion-dollar healthcare bill in the next 2 weeks.
Clearly against the will of the American people, an overwhelming majority of whom when polled oppose it.

If Obama's approval rate on the issue were over 50%, I still wouldn't like it, but I would have to accept that it was by some measure the will of the people. But this is clearly not what the people want, even with the best partisan sales-effort by the adoring pro-Obama media.
And they're ramming it through anyway.

I'm very concerned this further adding of trillions to the debt (with cap-and-trade and amnesty-for-illegals next on the agenda) will collapse the dollar before Obama can be ejected from office.

How do we stop a government that has no compliance to the will of the people, not even compliance to those who elected Obama?

And what extremes to prevent Obama's extremism would be unjustified?